Shallow Well Jet Pump; Type
Convertible, Compact; Suction
Size 1-1/4 Inch; Discharge
Size 1 Inch; End Connection
Threaded x Threaded; Overall
Dimensions 18-1/4 Inch Length
x 9-7/8 Inch Width x 8-3/4
Inch Height; Flow Rate 21.3
GPF; Discharge Head 5 to 25
Foot; Casing Material Cast
Iron; Shaft Material
Stainless Steel; Impeller
Material Noryl; Impeller
Design Glass Filled; Warranty
1 Year; Shaft Seal Details
Mechanical; Pressure Switch
Setting 30 to 50 PSI; Power
Rating 3/4 HP; Input Supply
Rating 115/230 Volt at 60
Hertz 1-Phase; Speed Rating
3500 RPM; Temperature Rating
140 Deg F; Pressure Rating 70
PSI; Motor Type Dual
Compartment, Capacitor Start;
Inclusions/Features Pump and
Motor, Pressure Gauge and
Bushing, Pressure Switch with
Tubing and Fittings;
Application Residential Water
Systems, Homes, Cottages,
Booster Service; Applicable
Standard UL, CSA, NEMA