Loadcenter; Type Main
Breaker; Voltage Rating
120/240 Volt AC; Current
Rating 200 Amp; Circuit
Configuration 1-Phase 3-Wire;
Maximum Number of Circuits
40; Maximum Number of Spaces
(20) 1 Inch; Main Breaker
Type CSR; Interrupting Rating
25 Kiloamp; Neutral Type
Insulated/Bondable Split; Bus
Material Tin Plated Aluminum;
Feed Location Top/Bottom;
Main Wire Size 2 AWG to 300
KCMIL (Aluminum/Copper);
Enclosure Type NEMA 3R,
Outdoor, Rainproof; Enclosure
Size Designation D1R; Size
14-5/16 Inch Width x 5-3/16
Inch Depth x 29-1/8 Inch
Height; Approval UL;
Applicable Standard NEC