Thermostat; Type Electric
Heat; Cover Type 1-Piece
Cover; Color White; Voltage
Rating 120/208/240/270 Volt
AC at 60 Hertz; Current
Rating 22 Amp at 120/208/240
Volt AC, 19 Amp at 270 Volt
AC; Switch Type DPST, Snap
Action; Temperature Rating 40
to 80 Deg F; Size 2-3/4 Inch
Width x 2-1/4 Inch Depth x
4-1/2 Inch Height; Approval
CSA; Stages 1 Heat; Sensor
Element Bimetal; Mounting
Type Vertical; Accuracy 2 Deg
C; Electrical Connection 6
Inch Color Coded Copper
Leads; Application Electric
Baseboards, Convectors and
Fan Forced Heaters